Back where it all began
We've got a soft spot for the charity sector. Because one of our first ever clients was the NSPCC. Now, 25 years or so later, we're privileged to have many other leading charities on the list. They use us because we're remarkably good value for money (low prices, high quality). But they also use us because we absolutely share their passion for making the world a better place and believe that training and development have a significant role to play in doing so.
The training we deliver to this sector is varied but includes our range of dealing with difficult people courses, media training and, increasingly, social media courses as the Third Sector finds new ways of reaching out to supporters, services users and funders.
Our charity clients work with us in two main ways. Most ask us to tailor our courses to their specific organisational needs and deliver the training in-house. For example, an organisation recently asked us to help its fundraising team to plan, rehearse and perform a crucial presentation to a big audience. But when there are only a few people who need training or their needs are more generic they send their staff to our open, public workshops.
If you can't see the course you're looking for here or would like to discuss your training needs with one of our trainers just get in touch via our contacts page.
This small selection of courses represents our best sellers in this sector. Click on the magnifying glass to see a short overview of each course or on the name to read the full description. And remember that if you book us to deliver any our workshops in-house the content can be tailored to your specific organisational needs.
Awkward customers. Prickly colleagues. Meddlesome managers. Difficult behaviour can manifest itself in many ways in the workplace. But whoever it comes from, one thing’s for certain: the stress it causes can really hurt - even to the extent of illness and absenteeism. It also takes its toll on productivity and can be extremely time consuming. So, in this virtual training course you’ll learn how to deal rationally with difficult people whose behaviour can become demanding and aggressive. Find out how to say no and mean no. Discover how to be more assertive. Develop skills to cope by not taking things personally. And recognise the key stages in conflict escalation.
Click here for the full programme, dates and venues (for face-to-face sessions).
Giving a presentation fills most of us with dread. Even the thought of standing up in front of a few colleagues (or, these days, sitting down in front of a webcam) can turn our legs to jelly. So, the prospect of speaking to an audience of hundreds can render normally calm and coherent individuals into gibbering, nervous wrecks. It doesn't need to be this way. Say hello to your nerves. Embrace them and turn the energy they bring into something productive rather than destructive. Let that energy stir your creative juices and make your next presentation – online or offline - extraordinary instead of ordinary. Memorable instead of forgettable. Enjoyable instead of tolerable (for you and the audience). But, most important of all, effective instead of ineffective.
Click here for the full programme, dates and venues (for face-to-face sessions).
We don’t read like we used to. In a linear fashion. Line by line. Page by page. Chapter by chapter. These days words are viewed more on screens than they are on paper. The web has turned us into skimmers and dippers - skimming online content until we see something interesting and only then dipping deeper. Which presents writers with a huge challenge. Because reading differently means writing differently.
Click here for the full programme, dates and venues (for face-to-face sessions).
Can't see the course you're looking for here?
These aren't the only courses we deliver for the sector. You can explore the complete range on our A-Z course finder page.